Navigation |
↓ | Move downward to next record or field |
↑ | Move upward to previous record or field |
→ | Move right to the next field |
← | Move left to the previous field |
Tab | Move to the next field, saving changes if editing a value |
Shift + Tab | Move to the previous field, saving changes if editing a value |
PageDown | Move down one page of records, or to next record in a card list |
PageUp | Move up one page of records, or to previous record in a card list |
Ctrl + ↑ | Move up to the first record |
Ctrl + ↓ | Move down to the last record |
Home | Move to the first field or the beginning of a row |
End | Move to the last field or the end of a row |
Alt + ↓ | Open next page |
Alt + ↑ | Open previous page |
Ctrl + O | Activate next page widget |
Ctrl + Shift + O | Activate previous page widget |
Selection |
Shift + ↓ | Adds the element below the cursor to the selected range |
Shift + ↑ | Adds the element above the cursor to the selected range |
Shift + → | Adds the element to the right of the cursor to the selected range |
Shift + ← | Adds the element to the left of the cursor to the selected range |
Ctrl + Shift + ↓ | Adds all elements below the cursor to the selected range |
Ctrl + Shift + ↑ | Adds all elements above the cursor to the selected range |
Ctrl + Shift + → | Adds all elements to the right of the cursor to the selected range |
Ctrl + Shift + ← | Adds all elements to the left of the cursor to the selected range |
Ctrl + A | Selects all currently displayed cells |
Ctrl + Shift + A | Copy anchor link |
Editing |
EnterF2 | Start editing the currently-selected cell |
Enter | Finish editing a cell, saving the value |
Escape | Discard changes to a cell value |
Ctrl + C | Copy current selection to clipboard |
Ctrl + X | Cut current selection to clipboard |
Ctrl + V | Paste clipboard contents at cursor |
Ctrl + D | Fills current selection with the contents of the top row in the selection |
BackspaceDel | Clears the currently selected cells |
= | When typed at the start of a cell, make this a formula column |
Ctrl + ; | Insert the current date |
Ctrl + Shift + ; | Insert the current date and time |
Ctrl + Alt + M | Comment |
Data manipulation |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter | Insert a new record, before the currently selected one in an unsorted table |
Ctrl + Enter | Insert a new record, after the currently selected one in an unsorted table |
Ctrl + DelCtrl + Backspace | Delete the currently selected record |
Alt + Shift + = | Insert a new column, before the currently selected one |
Alt + = | Insert a new column, after the currently selected one |
Ctrl + Shift + H | Use currently selected line as table headers |
Ctrl + M | Rename the currently selected column |
Alt + Shift + - | Hide currently selected columns |
Alt + - | Delete the currently selected columns |
Ctrl + Shift + D | Duplicate selected rows |